Stuart Allard - Stuart first attempted improv by auditioning for Improv Mafia at Illinois State University. He didn't get in, but always remained curious. He acted on that curiosity in 2009 when he decided to sign up for classes at the famed Second City. Since then he has been hooked. He completed the A-E program there as well as Improv Olympic and the Second City Conservatory. He now performs with the Flower Shop Bangers and the Comedy Clubhouse house team Flynn Tin Tin. You can also read his original headline jokes at
Stu News.
Daniel Anderson - Dan began performing improv in 2007 at the Playground Theater with the organization After School Matters. Since then he performed with his high school troupe at St. Ignatius College Prep, his college troupe Scared Scriptless at St. Olaf College, the Comedy Clubhouse house team Flynn Tin Tin, and the Flower Shop Bangers. He has completed the training program at Improv Olympic and is currently a student at the Annoyance Theater. In addition, Dan used to write and draw the comic
All for a Punchline which took inspiration from improv scenes.