We’re Moving!

That’s right. We’re moving to a new server. We’ve heard you, and believe us it’s been frustrating on our end to how the page sometimes slows to a crawl. That’s no fun. We tried to optimize our code and reduce bandwidth with our current providers, but the more people we brought in to analyze ways to speed up the site, the more we heard the same advice. Move to another server.

We didn’t want to just move from one situation to another, so we shopped around for a while and asked people we trust on the best solutions for our needs. Special thanks to Americo Pagliuca who was a great help in helping us find the right server for our new home. We’ve been running a test mirror of the site there for the last few days to work out any little kinks of moving and it’s ready to go.

So how will this all go down? Over the weekend (in the middle of the night), we will freeze the site so no new information can come in while we’re moving. The site will be offline for a few hours while we move the database, and run some tests on the new host while the nameserver moves over. Early next week, we expect a few minor hiccups and we’ll be around to hear them if anything seems off, but we’re hopeful the site will be running much faster.

And here’s the really good news. Now that all our energies aren’t being put towards fighting the server, we can get back to implementing some cool new surprises and tools in the coming weeks. Watch this space for announcements.

We’re very grateful to those of you who stuck with us during what history will remember as “The Slow Times”.


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