Zeke Blackwell


Zeke's Info

Zeke is originally from Texas, though he calls many places home. He graduated from Yale in 2013 and promptly started working on a farm. He now lives in a tiny town on a large island in Alaska and makes theater with fantastic young people.

He has 13 years of improv experience and has performed and taught improv in NYC, Boston, Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Austin, Dallas, Washington, D.C., Juneau, Honolulu, and Monteverde, Costa Rica. He was the '12-'13 director of Yale's Purple Crayon, the oldest collegiate long-form improv group, and performed at many festivals including the Del Close Marathon, Skidmore's ComFest, the Alaska State Improv Festival, Hawaii's Improvaganza, the Boston Comedy Arts Festival, and Timothee Graze's 70th birthday party.

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