If you're already a member of the site, you can log in and submit to Secret City Improv Festvial 2020 right away. If this is your first visit, here's an explanation of our site and how you can use it to submit to festivals year round.
Create your profile:
Create your troupe profile:
Once yout troupe is created, you can select Festival List from the main menu to view all upcoming festivals. Select Instant Submit on any festival to automatically submit your troupe.
Please note that this is your own name, not the name of your troupes.. You'll need to create a personal account to monitor your troupes. Don't worry, you'll be creating your troupe profile in just a minute.
Please use two letter abbreviation if applicable
Please include one-two paragraphs on your personal bio and history. A listing of your current troupes is not required for this section as it will automatically be included in your profile.
How do you prefer to see dates formatted on the page?
International Phone Country Code ( Number only '+' not needed)
WHO CAN SEE MY PHONE NUMBER? Like all fields, you control if this information is available to logged in members or only your friends. However, if you submit a team to an improv festival and mark yourself as the contact person, your phone number will be available to festival organizers.
Please include full URL (example: https://www.facebook.com/Nickarmstrong61)
Please include full URL (example: https://twitter.com/tedimprovisor)
Please include full URL (example: https://plus.google.com/115069997467004530873)
Any other website connected to you as a performer. Please include Full URL.
There are many tools on the site for coaches, directors and teachers. Please check this check box specifically if you teach workshops or classes.
What is the sum of 4 and 6. Please spell out the answer ~ Ex: seven
To start connecting please log in first. You can also create an account.
Remember Me