From an audience suggestion, NewHeart patiently builds scenes with strong characters and points of view -- allowing relationships to drive the discovery of concepts and connections throughout each show. From the absurd and playful, to the real and ridiculous, shows often tackle complex themes such as renewal, loss, hope, stagnation, death and other hilarious tragedies that define the human spirit. NewHeart strives to bring love, honesty and passion to the world, one set at a time.
NewHeart began in 2011, performing their first show at The Torch Theatre's inaugural Ghostfest marathon in October of that year. The troupe currently plays a monthly show at Second Beat Improv Theater in Phoenix.
NewHeart's cast is Clifton Gray, Bryan Gerdes, Lauren Shellenbarger and Rachel Tullio, all graduates of The Torch Theatre in Phoenix. Each player brings a unique perspective and background to the troupe. Rachel runs a small creative-services business; Lauren is a Ph.D. and retired from after many years in academic management; Bryan has an M.F.A. in inter-media arts and, in his spare time, composes avant-garde electronica and takes cat pictures; and Clifton is an office drone who struggled to complete one semester at Arizona State, but knows a lot of trivia and also takes a LOT of cat pictures.