Improvised Stage Combat Workshop

Stage combat is traditionally well rehearsed and choreographed, spending hours if not days on technique and action. In the world of improvised theatre, there are only split seconds and multiple minds working against that very essence of safety with combat. This workshop will take those techniques and create an overall language and skill foundation that can give you and your ensemble the ability to execute successful combat on stage while not executing each other. Starting with “hand to hand” style combat, we will focus on the theatricality and specificity of combat techniques in a fashion that can be repeated safely in the moment of an improvised scene. Depending on the location, tools available and skill of the participants; the advanced skills of sword based combat will also be covered. Required: Clothing must be clothes that can be easily movable in. (if you can crawl quickly in it, it will work)

Student Cap:

3 hours
20 students
Eric Nepom

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