Markus's Info
I was introduced to improv in 2010 and immediately fell in love with the boundary-breaking, open-minded and anarchist world of improv.Trained in clownwork, music and acting, I’m a lightning-fast physical player with an ability to slow down for intimate and touching scenes. Working as a drama and special educations teacher gave me a strong pedagogic foundation and it all lead to me training improv for different groups and corporations, nationally and internationally.
Back in 2010 I also founded my own private company for performing arts. As an entrepreneur I've been performing and training music and improvisation in various venues stretching from intimate living room ballads to festival main stages. Educated in production, I've worked as a executive producer of Turku Impro Festival for three years now.
I've trained with dozens of world-class improv instructors, and I've found my style: Physical, emotional and playful!
Currently doing improv with Improvisaatioteatteri Neljäs Seinä, ITU Impro and Improvisaatioryhmä Sic, Yhdentekijät and Vaikutusverstas.
For more info:
Markus's Workshops
"I learned new stuff, exceeded myself and laughed until it hurt! Thank you!" -
"It was easy to indulge in mistakes when there was so much support from and trust for the coach." -
"I don't normally let go, but the excitement and energy of the coach was contagious!" -